1 Large green papaya
2 Bird's eye chilies, minced
3 tablespoons Thai fish sauce
3 tablespoons Juice of large green limes
400g (13oz) Small shrimps, steamed or poached
150g (1.5 cups) Tomatoes, quartered and deseeded
1 Onion, thinly sliced
1 sprig Coriander (cilantro), roughly chopped
50g (1/2 cup) Thinly sliced shallots
Preparation :
1. Peel the papaya, quarter it length ways and remove any seeds and soft center.
2. Grate the papaya as thinly as possible, and place i n a serving bowl.
3. Combine the chilies, fish sauce and lime juice and pour over the papaya.
4. Add the shrimps, tomatoes, spring onion, coriander and shallots, and mix well.
5. Serve immediately with steamed white rice.
Credit by http://www.asianonlinerecipes.com